onsdag, juni 18, 2008

Flower Moon - full måne

Googlade runt och hittade en intressant artikel om "flower moon". Vet väl att Moon betyder måne och Flower blomma men att hela uttrycket existerar visste jag inte. Flower Moon är tydligen en benämning på fullmånen i maj eller juni. I år inföll den på det magiska datumet 3/6.

Magiskt datum - jo det är tydligen tredje som jag blir kär. Och min nya, nja inte så ny längre kanske, kärlek träffade jag just den 3:e. Närmare bestämt den 3:e november.

Så värt att notera är att vår "sjumånadersdag" inföll just under Flower Moon. Som ju är mitt nickname i cyberspace.

Hur lever livet med blomsterflickan kan undras? Jo, tack bra svarar jag då. Snart är det midsommar och den tillbringar jag med min kärlek förståss. Inga sju sorters blommor under kudden längre - för jag har ju funnit min soul-mate.

Här är artiklen jag hittade på nätet om mån-namnen:

"The Question(Submitted March 14, 1997)
March's full moon is often the "Sugaring Moon" and the "Harvest Moon" and the "Blue Moon" are also quite well known, but what are the names of the full moons for each month? A third grade in New York is interested in knowing since we've just done Maple Sugaring.
The AnswerYour message was forwarded to the Ask an Astrophysicist service. Our group of experts was able to dig up quite a few useful references to web pages which can answer your question. Here are some of them.
From a now defunct site (http://www.peconic.net/independent/06199608.htm) on Night Sky (June 19 - July 2, 1996)
The Full Moon of June generally goes by the epithet of the "Rose Moon," or the "Flower Moon," while people in certain areas blessed with berries, as ours is, prefer to call it the "Strawberry Moon." But even in a month with that many Moon monikers to go around, only the first Full Moon gets granted a formal name. Following the Rose/Flower/Strawberry Full Moon of Saturday, June 1, the Sunday June 30 return, like all second comers, will be hailed simply as the "Blue Moon".
The full moon on June 30, 1996 was (barely!) a so-called "Blue Moon," because it occurred as the second Full Moon within the month. In time zones East of Brevard County, Florida, however, this was the first Full Moon of July. Hence, it was called the "Thunder Moon" or "Hay Moon".
All full moons draw attention to themselves by the way they dominate the sky from dusk to dawn, so that each one has acquired at least one special name. Moon names far outnumber muffin varieties, including Green Corn, Thunder, the Sturgeon Moon, and my personal favorite, the Moon of Pairing Reindeer. Crescent, half, and gibbous moons, on the other hand, are merely termed waxing or waning, not named for anything in particular. The full moon of June generally goes by the pet name Rose Moon, while slightly less discriminating observers dub it the Flower Moon, and romantics in certain fruited areas prefer to gaze at the Strawberry Moon. But even in a month with that many moon monikers, only the first full moon gets a formal name. Following the Rose/Flower/Strawberry full moon of Saturday, June 1, the Sunday, June 30, return, like all second comers, will be hailed simply as the Blue Moon.
(Note, however, this meaning of "Blue Moon" is based on a mistake:
From a now defunct site (http://www.noble.mass.edu/ref/fullmoon.htm)
Native American Names

  • January - Wolf Moon

  • February - Snow Moon, Hunger Moon, Opening Buds Moon

  • March - Maple Sugar Moon, Worm Moon

  • April - Frog Moon, Pink Moon, Planter's Moon

  • May - Flower Moon, Budding Moon

  • June - Strawberry Moon

  • July - Blood Moon, Buck Moon

  • August - Moon of the Green Corn, Sturgeon Moon

  • September - Harvest Moon

  • October - Hunter's Moon, Moon of Falling Leaves

  • November - Beaver Moon

  • December - Cold Moon

From http://www.fabandpp.org/cotm/moons.htm

  • January - Old Moon, Wolf Moon

  • February - Snow Moon

  • March - Sap Moon, Worm Moon, Crow Moon, Crust Moon

  • April - Grass Moon, Pink Moon, Moon of the Red Grass Appearing

  • May - Milk Moon, Flower Moon

  • June - Rose Moon, Strawberry Moon

  • July - Thunder Moon, Buck Moon

  • August - Green Corn Moon, Corn Moon, Sturgeon Moon

  • September - Fruit Moon, Harvest Moon

  • October - Harvest Moon, Hunter's Moon

  • November - Frost Moon, Beaver Moon

  • December - Long Night Moon, Cold Moon

I hope this helps to answer your question!
Tim Kallman, Karen Smale, and Pat Tyler for the Ask an Astrophysicist team "

Källa: http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/ask_astro/answers/970314a.html

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Ja, troligen sa det ar